Monday, May 7, 2007

Plagiarized discussions on MyLot - huafeihua116

I am a member of myLot and it really makes me mad to see people who can't seem to come up with a single thought of their own without stealing it from someone else. Instead of coming up with their own material, they publish the work of others, and claim it as their own.

I spent a lot of time yesterday and today tracking down and reporting nearly 50 plagiarized discussions from one myLot member. Out of all of the pages I went through, there were very few that I did not find sources for. This does not mean that they are not breaking the guidelines just that I did not find a source that they had been copied from. I am not yet finished because there are pages and pages more to go. Sorry for any points and/or earnings this may cost those of you who responded to these discussions, but I do not tolerate plagiarism, and will report it whenever I see it. .

Whether you choose to have this member as a friend is up to you but you might want to be VERY careful what discussions you respond to from this member. Since most of the discussions posted by huafeihua116 appear to be plagiarized, they will probably be deleted. When discussions are deleted, your responses are also deleted, along with any money you may have made from these responses.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Sadly enough, I found that this member is posting questions taken directly from ask yahoo, and giving best responses to plagiarized answers taken from the same site by another member, romel_ece from her friend list. After seeing a couple of such plagiarized responses from romel_ece, I checked his best responses and found several more all given to him and all following the pattern described above.